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Buying and selling a home is among the most important financial decisions anyone will make. By sharing our insights over a decade of experience, having assisted thousands of clients, we aim to make the process empowering and stress-free.


Tips, FAQs and pearls of wisdom from 20 years of legal experience. Be empowered to buy, sell and transfer property with confidence.

Conveyancing is the legal process for changing ownership of a property.
What is conveyancing?

Here's a handy summary of the steps involved in conveyancing.

A caveats is a powerful way to secure an interest in a property.
What is a caveat?

A caveat is a legal notice, registered on the title of a property, declaring that someone has a legal interest in the property.

There are two ways to own a property in Victoria: as "joint tenants" or as "tenants in common".
What is the difference between owning a property as joint tenants or as tenants in common?

There are two ways multiple people can own a property in Victoria: as joint tenants or as tenants in common.

Settlement is a momentus day for property buyers and sellers. Here's what happens.
What does settlement mean and what happens on settlement day?

Settlement is the conclusion of a property conveyancing transaction.

Each State and Territory in Australia has different conveyancing laws and procedures. Ashmor Legal can assist with conveyancing for Victorian residential properties only.
FAQ: How is buying a property in Victoria different to other States and Territories?

Conveyancing laws and proceedures are different in each State and Territory. That's why we can only assist with Victorian residential properties.

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